
Horror is wel echt mijn ding. Daarom ook heb ik een abonnement op het Amerikaanse maandblad Fangoria. Meer nog: ik verzamel oude nummers van dit bloederig magazine.
4 zoekresultaten gevonden met "Terror Train":
Fangoria#9 p.22 Terror Train
Join Jamie Lee Curtis for a one-way, non-stop journey on... Terror Train
Fangoria#9 p.24 A Mini-Interview With Jamie Lee Curtis
Jeff Gelb, a corresopndent for the WNBC-FM radio netwerk, recently spoke with Jamie Lee Curtis for NBC's information and entertainment feature "The Source."
Fangoria#222 p.38 Terror Train
A look back at an '80s slasher in need of modern video revival.
Fangoria#367 p.14 Slasher, Incubate Thyself
In Terror Train, it's three years after the initial prank that revenge killings start. Prom Night waits six years to serve up its disco brand of justice. With Happy Birthday to Me, it's two years. Silent Night, Deadly Night: thirteen years. The House on Sorority Row: twenty-two years. My Bloody Valentine: twenty years. Sleepaway Camp: eight years. Slaughter High: ten years. This delay, this gap, this waiting period, would seem to be built into the slasher, wouldn't it? Definitely part of the formula, anyway.